How To Bug Proof Your Home
Sometimes it seems that every time you turn around, there’s a fly, mosquito or some other bug in your home. Instead of banging your head on the wall because you’re tired of these little critters sharing your home, bug proof your home, and then give Clint Miller Exterminating a call to get any bugs out that may have been inside when you started this project.
Keep Bugs Out of House
Start with the outside. Dissuade bugs from getting near your house, and then work on blocking their entryways. Keep the yard maintained, including spraying for bugs throughout the “bug season.” Mosquitoes and fleas thrive in yards that are not maintained and that have pools of standing water. Be sure to empty and remove all items that hold water, including unused flower pots.
Remove any thatch buildup in the lawn by raking it, and clip all vegetation that is overgrown, especially vegetation that is against the house. If water is puddling because of the slope of the lawn, fill in low spots or add French drains to direct the water away from buildings.
Be sure the gutters and other drains are cleaned, and make sure the pool has plenty of chlorine in it. If you have birdbaths, be sure to change the water at least twice per week so that eggs won’t have a chance to hatch.
Seal the House
Part of learning how to bug proof your home is learning where the bugs get into your home. Check the exterior for cracks and openings where pipes and wires go into your house. Seal the openings around pipes and wires with foam insulation to keep the bugs out. Repair cracks in the walls and siding, under the eves, and in the skirting if your home is not on a basement or a cement pad.
Furthermore, check for cracks inside the home. The best places to check include along baseboards and in places you normally don’t see on a daily basis, such as the floor area of closets and other hidden spaces. Seal these cracks off with the appropriate materials – this depends on what type of walls you have.
Doors and Windows
Make sure the doors are sealed properly. A steel or aluminum threshold should be in place. Add a nylon sweep to the bottom of the door. Nylon works better for bugs than other materials. The sweep also helps keep the heat in your home during the winter and out during the summer. If the weatherstripping on the door jamb is worn, replace it. Be sure to do this to all doors leading to the outside.
Check the window screens. Ensure that they are in good condition and that they fit well. If they are bent or have holes in the screens, they will need to be replaced. If your home doesn’t have window screens, install them. Even if you don’t open the windows often, you’ll have double protection on the window opening. Make sure the windows fit properly an are not loose in the window frame. Replace any worn weatherstripping.
Pick Up Food, Water and Garbage
Be sure to pick up any food and clean the sinks thoroughly after each use. Pick up your pets’ food and water bowls, as they will also attract bugs. Take the trash out every day, but be sure to keep the exterior trash cans well away from your home. Try not to miss trash pick-up day or make that trip to the dump if you don’t have trash pick-up.
Contact Clint Miller Exterminating
Once you have your yard cleaned up and your home properly sealed, give Clint Miller Exterminating a call to schedule an appointment to spray. If you spray the exterior of the home on a regular schedule after you’ve gotten rid of all of the temptations and ways in, you’ll find that your home will be virtually bug free.