Long Term Side Effects Of Bed Bug Bites

If you’re red and itchy for no known reason, you may have bed bugs. These tiny, oval-shaped insects use humans to travel from place to place since they don’t have wings. Unfortunately, their favorite dish is blood from humans and animals, and even worse, they are most active during the night hours.
The health effects of bed bug bites and the long-term side effects of bed bug bites may be worse for some people and minor for others. But no matter how bedbugs affect you, you should be aware of how they can affect your and your family’s health, sleep, and peace of mind.
Bed Bug Bites
While some people may not even notice when they’ve been bitten by bed bugs, others will—even while they’re asleep. The bites show up as a swollen area with a dark red center and a lighter red outer area. They are usually grouped together in one small area or may be in a line. If you have an extreme reaction to the bites, you could develop hives or blisters in the area of the bites.
Bed bugs do not mean your home or bed is dirty—even 5-star hotels have to fight bed bug problems. The real problem is bed bugs spread quickly, so if you come in contact with a person, an item, or an animal with bed bugs, they can spread to your home.
Bed bugs are mostly nocturnal, so they are more active at night. During the daylight hours, bed bugs hide in bed frames, mattress seams, dressers, behind wallpaper, in headboards, and anywhere else—usually, they stay within about 8 feet from where people sleep.
Health Problems from Bed Bug Bites
If you notice bed bug bites, people’s first question is often, “Can you get sick from bed bug bites?” If you are allergic to bed bugs, you may suffer from a reaction. Most don’t have bed bug allergies, but those who do can experience painful or even dangerous symptoms from a reaction.
Even without allergies, if you have long-term exposure to bed bugs, you may experience symptoms such as insomnia and a secondary infection from constantly scratching itchy bites. As soon as you notice bed bug bites on you, anyone in your household, or even pets, you should contact Clint Miller Exterminating to have the problem taken care of professionally. A professional will be able to eliminate the problem effectively and safely, so your family can get back to sleeping in peace.
So then, can bed bugs affect your health? Most definitely. We listed some issues already above, but here are those bed bug health hazards in more detail:
- Allergic reactions may be mild or extreme. The reaction is similar to that of a bee sting if you are allergic to bees. This could include hives, painful and swollen bites, and even anaphylaxis in rare but severe cases. If you do suffer an allergic reaction to bed bug bites, you should go to an urgent care or emergency room.
- Secondary skin infections arise from constantly scratching red, itchy bites and opening the wound to germs. This happens when germs and pathogens on your hands get into the open wounds. The infection could range from mild and just needed cleaning and basic first aid to more severe and requiring antibiotics.
- Insomnia may occur because the bites are a painful sting while you’re sleeping. Afterward, the itching may wake you up during the night, disturbing your sleep cycle, especially if you are someone who cannot go right back to sleep. If this happens several nights in a row, you could start suffering from anxiety, depression, difficulty focusing, and irritability from not having a good night’s rest.
If you keep your bites clean and use anti-itching topical treatments, you reduce the risk of infection and health issues such as sleep loss. However, if you are allergic, the only course of action to avoid health complications is not being bitten at all. In both cases, we recommend professional pest control treatment.
How Do I Know If I Have a Bed Bug Infestation?
The most obvious way to identify a bed bug infestation is if you notice their bites on your body. However, the bites may not always show up, or they may take several days to become visible or irritating. Look for other signs of bed bugs instead:
- Check the folds in the sheets and mattresses for bed bugs.
- Look for their exoskeletons after a molt.
- Look for rusty-colored blood spots on mattresses and furniture. The bed bugs’ fecal matter is this color since they feed on blood. You may also notice a sweet musty smell.
We also recommend always checking a hotel room or guest bed for signs of bed bugs before you sleep in it. Remember, bed bugs spread quickly—sleeping in an infested bed may lead to an infestation in your own home.
Treating Bed Bug Bites
What can bed bugs do to humans? In most cases, they just bite you and cause irritation. Keeping the bites clean until they heal is key to not getting an infection. Wash the bites thoroughly with mild soap and water. If you want to naturally ease the itching, make a paste of baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the bites, and leave it on for an hour. You may wash it off afterward.
If the paste doesn’t work, anti-itching creams and witch hazel from the drugstore may also help with the itching. Be sure to follow the instructions on the brand of cream or witch hazel you purchase. Aspirin or other over-the-counter pain relief medication may help if the bites are painful or inflamed. If the bites are more severe or you believe you are suffering allergy symptoms because of the bites, be sure to see your doctor as soon as possible.
Ensure a Good Night’s Rest with Clint Miller Exterminating
It could be difficult to get rid of bed bugs on your own. They often hide in hard-to-get-to places such as bed frames, alarm clocks, headboards, and more. They’ll just keep multiplying and causing you grief if you don’t properly get rid of them. Avoid the side effects of bed bug bites, and contact Clint Miller Exterminating to help you eradicate the pests for good.